French Toast
I learned this process of making French toast from the owner of a bed and breakfast that I stayed in several years ago. The trick, he taught me, is... Read our post for more info...Recipe
Day old French bread, sliced into 3/4″ pieces
6 Eggs
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon Grand Marnier
1 cup half/half or cream
Crisco, for cooking
Powdered sugar, butter and syrup for topping
* Note: Prep time does not indicate overnight standing time.
- Arrange the bread slices single layer in a non-reactive (glass) pan.
- Whisk the eggs and then add the sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, Grand Marnier and cream. Whisk until well blended.
- Pour the egg mixture evenly over the bread, ensuring all the pieces are coated. Turn the pieces of bread over to ensure even coating on both sides. Cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight. As it rests, the bread will absorb the egg mixture.
- Heat a pan or griddle over medium heat. (You’re going to use a medium heat so that the toast cooks for several minutes on each side, to ensure the middle of the bread cooks, without over-browning the outside.) Melt the Crisco, and then carefully lift each piece of egg-soaked bread out of the pan and onto the griddle. Cook until golden brown, and then turn over and repeat on the second side. Cook for a total of about 10 minutes.
- Serve immediately with butter, syrup (warmed slightly) and a sprinkle of powdered sugar.
When I first heard of this recipe I scoffed, yes scoffed, that the bread was going to turn into soup overnight and that there had better be “Plan B” for breakfast. Well, no Plan B was required! This recipe is great and will forever change the way you think about French toast. All those French toasts I ate over the years really were just fried egg mixture on the outside of the bread. This recipe allows the egg mixture to soak into the bread. It is so delicious!