Oven Baked French Fries with Truffle Oil
The internet is the greatest invention. Ever. Not only can I find anything I’m looking for, no matter how abstract or odd my search, but I can find things I didn’t even know I was looking for.
So it was with Truffle Fries. I didn’t even know that the Truffle Fries Circus was in town until one day, while on Pinterest. I was just happily skipping through the rabbit hole that is Pinterest when I stumbled upon Everyday Occasions (jennysteffens.blogspot.com). Lovely blog, BTW. She had a recipe for Parmesan Truffle Fries that caught my eye. Given that I’ve never met a potato that I didn’t like, my attraction was fairly immediate. I then did a search on recipes and, lo and behold, my search returned a plethora of recipe options.
But, here’s the thing. I’m not really a fan of deep frying in my kitchen. The mess and anticipated lingering smell just deflate me. That’s the beauty of these fries. Some of the recipes are BAKED! So, hardly any mess, and the only smell is the luscious scent of truffle wafting in the air. I remember my mom making homemade fries, including the step where she cut up the potatoes and soaked them in water. It always seemed like such a sweet labor of love. I love my friends and family but I’m also a fan of shortcuts in the kitchen where I can get away with them. So, based on the recommendation from Jenny’s blog, I opted for frozen potatoes rather than trying to slice up a Russet. I looked for frozen fries that were a good natural, organic type. I used the Ore-Ida Country Style French Fries with Olive Oil and Sea Salt, and they were perfect.
I like my truffle flavor subtle, not overpowering. Which is why I like this recipe. You get a taste of the truffle without being hit over the head with it. If you want a stronger taste from the truffle oil, just add a bit more. Our local grocery store had a limited selection of truffle oils to choose from, and in the end I chose a “flavored” olive oil instead. I was pleasantly surprised by the taste. I’m sure no well-respecting Italian would be caught dead with a “flavored” oil in their kitchen, but it works well for this recipe.
Armed with the basics from my recipe search, I tried these Parmesan Truffle Fries out on some guinea pigs, I mean friends, that were in town for a few days. Big, big hit. This recipe is the kind any host or hostess hopes for: Easy to prepare and meets with rave reviews. Who knew that oven-baked French fries could taste just like they’d come out of a deep fryer?
Prep time is about 3 minutes, or as long as it takes to open a bag of frozen potatoes, grate a little parmesan and heat the oven.

The basic ingredients

Grated parmesan cheese

Drizzle a little oil in the pan

Add the frozen potatoes

Add parmesan cheese

Dinner is served!
This is going to be one of my new go-to recipes. It’s a perfect side dish for a steak or burger. Add a good beer or nice glass of Merlot, and dinner is served!
Happy Entertaining!
Click here to get recipe
Those taters sound awesome, Yum:)