Lemon Blackberry Ice Cream
There has been a whole lotta blackberrying going on around here lately. Sometimes, everything comes up roses. At this particular time, it seems everything is coming up blackberries.
Fortunately, I love blackberries and all of their deliciousness. It doesn’t take much effort on our part to find a variety of ways to take advantage of their abundance. First, there was spinach salad with fresh blackberries. Then, every morning for the last two weeks, our daily smoothies have gotten a boost of antioxidants because I’ve added a handful of blackberries to them. Now Jon is working on a blackberry Caipirinha cocktail (recipe coming to a blog near you, soon!). And, of course, blackberry cobbler has come to more than one dinner party in the past couple of weeks. And, yet, we still have blackberries. And stains on many of our kitchen towels as proof.
Driven by my never-ending love affair with ice cream, I made some lemon ice cream. My need to use some more of the berries turned the lemon ice cream into lemon blackberry ice cream. In a word, yummers. (That is literally the word that popped into my head when I was eating the ice cream. Forget the fact that it’s not actually a word. In this case, it’s not only a word, it’s the perfect word.)
The recipe that initially got me excited about making lemon ice cream called for using water, but I decided that wouldn’t give me the creaminess I was envisioning and craving. So, instead, I basically used the same custard base for the ice cream that I use for other ice creams but added lemon zest and juice. I reduced the amount of whipping cream and vanilla. And for the berries I used the same process as I do with raspberry ice cream: During the last few minutes of freezing I added muddled blackberries. If recipes weren’t all about taste, I would make this ice cream again just for the color.
A scoop of this lemon blackberry ice cream would be the perfect ending at any dinner party meal.
Happy Entertaining!

Whisk the eggs, sugar and salt together

Slowly add the warm milk to “temper”

Pour the egg/milk mixture back into the pan

Cook until thick and you have custard!
Click here to get recipe
I wonder how good blackberry wine would be?